Rabu, 16 September 2009

Scarlett Johansson Beautiful Breast Secreat

Did you know the secreat of Scarlett Johansson's beautiful breast. Anyone who saw the breast star of 'Lost in Translation' is, certainly in awe. Not surprisingly, Scarlett Johansson predicate holds most beautiful breasts in Hollywood.

Want to have breast forms sexy and tight a la Scarlett Johansson? Follow the exercises below. These movements are useful to tighten the chest muscles (pectoral) and tighten the breast.

Types of Scarlett Johansson secreat exercise:

1. Push ups
To tighten the pectoral, triceps, front deltoid, and biceps. Initial position: the back parallel to the mat, the hands are not wide but just below the shoulder, the view to the mat, and exhale from the mouth. Second place: reduced body until your nose almost on the mat. Inhale through your nose.
2. Bench press

Position can be done in two ways, sitting (in the chair, mattress, or bed) and lay down. Initial position: stretch out your arms sideways, parallel to the mat, bend your forearm forward until an angle of 90? and exhale through the mouth. Second position: straighten your arms forward and inhale through the nose.

3. Butterfly

This can be done sitting or lying position. Starting position: arms stretched sideways, parallel to the mat, bend your forearm up until it makes an angle of 90? and inhale through the nose. Position two: pull the arm to the front face, with hands still forming an angle of 90?, And exhale through the mouth.

4. Pull over

Do it by sitting or lying position. Starting position: arms tightly with the body, the forearm is bent in front of the abdomen and inhale through the nose. Second position: pull your hands above your head and exhale through the mouth.

-Warm up first - before the start of training - with a muscular upper body stretches for approximately 15 minutes.

- For beginners, exercise does not need to use weight or dumbbells. However, for those already proficient, could add as much as half kg of load for one hand. If it does not feel heavy anymore, accretion expense is conducted every ½ kg.

- Exercises done as much as a set or 10 times for a single movement for beginners. If already proficient, the number of sets or the amount of the added expense.

- Exercises with weights done 3-4 times a week, while the exercise without burden as much as 5-6 times a week.

- Each end of the first set of motion, stretch the muscles to the chest during the first 10-20 seconds, repeat or replace the new movement.

- Refrigeration performed as warming up for 10-15 minutes.